Wednesday, October 28, 2009

SGA 10-28

The curtains closed on the Twilight Players' request for $750 to pay for a musical director of its spring production during Wednesday night's student government meeting.

After approving a reallocation request of $250 for the Twilight Players, the other club representatives voted to dismiss the request for funding an additional $750. Members Nadine Grimley and Dave Daley addressed the room.

"I think that's really fair, in my opinion," Daley said. "It's about seven student activity fees, and we expect over 300 people to attend."

The other representatives voiced concerns about the uncertainty over who would be the musical director if the request was granted. The Spirit Squad asked whether the Twilight Players had looked internally at the college to find a staff member with proper qualifications.

"We've looked within the college and they don't want to help us at all," Grimley said, adding later, "We have contacted Beth Norris but she refuses to support this play in any way, shape, or form."

When it was mentioned that last year's musical director was student Chris Arsenault, who was paid for his services, a flurry of comments from the crowd ensued.

"If you have to hire a student as musical director, are you going to pay them? They don't get paid to run student government," Sam Monroe of the Hockey Club said, pointing to the executive board on the stage.

"The editor of the paper doesn't get paid either," said Rachel Keller, sophomore representative.

After a debate that lasted over 30 minutes, the Twilight Players' request was denied.

In other business, Chris Mullen, a student involved in the sustainable food program, addressed the SGA to gather support as the group makes changes in food services at LSC.

"95 percent of the food we eat could come locally and cheaper than what we have now," Mullen said. "The other 5 percent being spices that don't come from America."

The program's main objective is to buy local products to sell to Aramark at a cheaper price than what is currently being purchased. The foods would then be processed at LSC by students, which might offer more jobs on campus.

"We need support from students to get this ball rolling," said Mullen.

The Lyndon Ultimate club also requested to reallocate funds. The motion passed without debate to move $200 for a Dartmouth tournament later this year.

American Women in Radio and Television requested changes be made in its constitution regarding dues and the alternative house representative position. These requests were approved.

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