Thursday, October 15, 2009

SGA meeting 10-14

The second time was the charm for the High Society during Wednesday's SGA meeting, when the club received funding for its new skating boxes.

After being rejected for $877.79 during the Oct. 1 meeting, the High Society brought in an audience of 32 club members to illustrate the amount of usage the boxes would be getting if funded.

After presenting a video featuring the different ways to use boxes in the winter months, the High Society explained that the amount it was requesting included every fee needed to complete construction. When Suzanne Proulx of American Women in Radio and Television (AWRT) voiced concerns about the project not being built last year when funds were given to the club, Brian Wilcock addressed the members of the High Society.

"How many of you are willing to help build the boxes?", he asked. Every member raised their hands. "They will be built this year."

The High Society received the total amount requested. As soon as it was announced, the 32 club members erupted into applause and proceeded to leave the meeting, frustrating some of the representatives.

"Yeah, there they go," Sam Utz of Leadership Recognition said. "It really grinds my gears."

Other business included Erin Rossetti presenting the idea of a residence hall association that would work with the SGA and Student Life in order for students living on campus to voice ideas and concerns. An informational meeting will be held Oct. 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the Rita Bole lounge.

The Lyndon Strikers requested $1000 due to the number of active members in the club.

"We're looking for this money to get through this semester and quite possibly next semester as well," said Jordan Sherman, vice president of the club. "We currently have over 30 active members, so unfortunately fundraising doesn't cover it all."

The Strikers' request was granted, bringing the general fund to $27, 514.12.

Two new clubs have gained SGA-approved status as well. The Rotaract, an organization designed to do community service, is being headed by Bennett Sayles. The club plans to do a food drive with the campus activities board, and to stay involved with SGA, an issue the club had in the past.

The Lyndon State Photographers Society was also approved. Amanda Racine, president of the club, said that there will be numerous fundraising events going on this year. According to Racine, the club will be producing a 'hometown series' of photos, depicting different regions of New England to be made into a book. It will also be creating a calendar. Both of these items will be for sale.

In other business, the representatives of SGA voted to formally revoke the club status of Students For Global Change, after a representative failed to attend three meetings this semester. There are currently no active members in the club.

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