Thursday, March 26, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lake Willoughby

This slideshow is about my trip to Lake Willoughby this weekend with my boyfriend Caleb. Enjoy. :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Best of the Week--Reuters

            This audio photo slideshow was very interesting. It provided a diverse group of photos that were considered the "best of the week" by the website. Each photo provided a short commentary that explained what was going on in it. I think the audio was great for this type of slideshow because I was able to hear the information while looking at the photo, making it much faster. I didn't have to read a paragraph and then look at it. I liked that the ten photos were condensed into just over two minutes as well. People are busy and like their information fast-paced, and this provided a little entertainment in a very short period of time.

Best of the Week--MSNBC 

This slideshow (which I could not get a URL directly to), is another "week in photos" segment. This provides a short paragraph beside each photo, as well as a chance to vote on the best at the end . While I believe the audio slideshows are better, this type might work well for someone without a fast-working internet. Students at LSC share my pain in trying to load even the simplest of audio or video webpages in a reasonable amount of time. This option is perfect for those who don't have a lot of time to wait for buffering. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

"Bright Ideas"...hehe....light-bulb humor

The Bright Ideas Helpline Type of Thing Podcast

      The March 11th, 2009 episode of the Bright Ideas Helpline Type of Thing Podcast was one to marvel at. The speakers, Horatio, Doris, Gertrude, and Igor all provide answers to some bizarre and interesting questions asked by their loyal listeners seeking advice. While the questions and answers might seem odd without any logical pattern, one thing is clear: these people know what they're talking about.

      The format of this call-in podcast is relatively straightforward. Listeners can call the show directly, leave a voicemail, or send an email asking their questions. The speakers then provide valuable insight that only they could possess. The questions cover a wide range of topics, from cobwebs to dog sex education to proper lubricants. No subject is off-limits in this podcast.

      One of the most memorable callers was George, who apparently sells yarn for a living. This man had a laugh that could send shivers down other listeners' spines. Obviously rattled by the man's sales pitch, Horatio quickly moved onto the next caller without much hesitation. This kind of fast-paced podcast makes it interesting and perfect for those on-the-go people who want their advice quickly.

      There appeared to be a bit of tension during parts of the podcast. Horatio and Doris have conflicting views on carnivorous acts against animals, and the debate came to a head when Nigel called in. The situation was quickly resolved, however, and the speakers became civil once again. Doris also seemed to have some hostility against Igor, one of two interns featured on the show. While Igor never exhibited any bad or inadequate behavior on the show, it appears as if some rivalry goes on behind the scenes.

      The best question asked on the show was the first, asked by an elderly listener named Henrietta. She was asking about the best way to remove cobwebs from her home. After explaining how her husband lost his eyebrows the last time he tried, she was pleased to receive suggestions about purchasing a mongoose to rid herself of the problem. It was meaningful advice from Horatio.

      This podcast was fantastic. The questions and answers were entertaining, yet informative. They gave a great insight into what sorts of problems Americans encounter every day. The variety and fast-paced feel of the podcast make it successful and hilarious. It has something for everyone, while being mildly appropriate.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Audio Podcast Outline

For our project, our group decided to do an advice show, where 'callers' ask questions, and one of of our group-mates gives an answer! Our questions and answers will be silly, of course. What else would you expect from the group who brought you a complete guide to the hottest lightbulb spots near Lyndonville? We will use Audacity or Garage Band to edit our podcast. :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Podcasts!

"live Ireland"

            The first podcast I listened to was called "live Ireland", which was about the myths of banshees (messengers of death), and witches in Ireland. It was narrated by a woman from the country, which was demonstrated through her thick accent. It also featured some scholars who knew a great deal about the subjects.

            The sound quality of this podcast was not the greatest. It sounded a bit fuzzy, perhaps due to some bad audio equipment. The podcast wasn’t impossible to listen to, but it was a bit distracting. The woman's accent was very interesting, however, and it was great to hear about these Irish legends with it.

            I thought this was a creative podcast that was interesting to listen to. It definitely was not what I had expected. The iTunes store categorized it as a travel podcast, but this was more about the beliefs and myths of the land. Nevertheless, I found it interesting.

            This podcast is something I might continue listening to at some point. I was attempting to find one about modern-day Ireland, but this was an interesting thing to listen to as well. Since I do enjoy myths and legends, I'll definitely consider listening again.


"Pretty Sky Alert"

            The second podcast is called "Pretty Sky Alert", a NASA podcast. This audio podcast was all about Venus and the moon phases. It explained the best time of day to view Venus. Although short (3:21), it was very informative.

            The sound quality of this podcast was great. It featured one man's voice, which was very clear and distinct. There was no music behind it, making it very easy to pay attention and understand what was being said.

            I liked this podcast. It was mainly informative, but it included a lot of things that I didn't know previously about Venus. I liked the very simple approach the narrator took of explaining things. He put it into words that even a complete space novice could understand.

            I will continue listening to this podcast from time to time. Space is something that has always interested me, and there are a LOT of other podcasts that go along with this one.


"The Weekly Scrabble r"

            This was my favorite podcast. Perhaps that was because it was devoted to my favorite game of all time: Scrabble. I enjoyed the content, sound, and creativity of this one.

            The sound wasn't perfect in this podcast. It could have been clearer. But everything the man said was audible, and very easy to follow.

            It was very creative. The podcast taught multiple words that could be used in a game of Scrabble. There were long and complicated words, and words that were short but strange. There were also numerous quizzes in which the narrator listed off seven letters and allowed the listener to try to unscramble them. It was very enjoyable to listen to.

            I will continue to listen to this podcast. It will teach me all sorts of new words to use again Scrabble opponents, and I will always win. It was creative, fun, and an easy listen.